What is Spark Joy Yoga?
A mindful vinyasa flow with a focus on the breath and alignment. Modifications and props are encouraged so you can find your expression of the pose. Smiling and a playful attitude is encouraged. All levels welcome.
Yoga Schedule:
Introduction from Yuriko
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from my yoga practice is not to take myself too seriously. I bring joy into every class. Both the KonMari™ method and yoga have led me to a life of gratitude and contentment. I hope you can come to a class so I can share the joy of yoga with you. Spark Joy Yoga classes allow you to make time for yourself.
Take a moment to focus on your breath and to align with your ideal life. Spark joy on your mat!
~ Yuriko, RYT-200
Yoga For Runners and Athletes
This three week yoga course provides yoga as cross training for runners and athletes. All three classes are one hour alignment-based vinyasa flow courses. Release tightness in your hamstrings and build flexibility and balance with this course.
These on-demand classes can be accessed at your convenience.
In addition to the classes there is a bonus gratitude meditation and a 30- minute intro to sun salutations.
Cross-training with yoga will:
Improve flexibility and prevent injury
Challenge your balance and flexibility
Develop a practice to shift your presence of mind
Decrease stress as you build a practice of gratitude and mindfulness
Plus, you can receive feedback on your poses throughout this course
Course Curiculum:
30 Minute Introductory Class - Intro to Step-back Sun Salutations (Free course preview)
Gratitude Meditation
Week One: Hips Flow
Week Two: One Hand to Big Toe
Week Three: Side Planks
Virtual Private Yoga
Schedule a virtual private yoga session with Yuriko
You’ll enjoy a personalized class from the comfort of your home at a time that works for you.
Private Salty Yoga at
The Salt Lounge
Salty Yoga
Enjoy a 45 minute gentle yoga class while therapeutic salt is dispensed into the room. This alignment based class will include deep breathing to maximize the benefits of the salt therapy. Private yoga is tailored to you and your body.
Spark Joy Yoga - Private Lessons
Contact Yuriko for a private and online alignment-based yoga lesson that will spark joy. Private lessons are perfect for new students to yoga.
To schedule use the scheduling page or email Yuriko@JoyAndSpace.com